Tuesday, October 5, 2010


The Big Pineapple in Bahurst

Photo by: Marcienne Koenig

Yes you heard me right! The Eastern Cape is home to the biggest pineapple in the world but alas it is not real......I know I was disappointed as well. But it is still a pretty cool thing to go check out especially when you randomly decide one weekend to go hug said big pineapple.

Hailing from the Eastern Cape since birth I have in fact visited the big pineapple in Bahurst once before when I was very young and my parents decided that it would be great fun to take their three darling children to see the pineapple. Why does it have a huge pineapple you ask? Well Bahurst is located in the heart of one of the largest pineapple growing regions in South Africa so it kind of makes sense.

Located in the small town of Bahurst you would think that the pineapple is their only attraction, but for a town of its size Bahurst has quite a few things going in its favour. Not only is it home to the biggest pineapple in the world but it also has the oldest licensed pub in South Africa, The Pig and Whistle. It even has an Agricultural Museum and once a year in December just outside of Bahurst a massive party by the name of Oxbraai goes down!!

All in all for a town with not many streets alot goes on and a visit would not be a waste of time. So next time you are sitting around with nothing to do go hug a pineapple in Bahurst!