Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy 2010!

Now I know it's been a while but yes I am still alive! My holiday was spent in the 'lovely' town of King Williams Town (oh and by lovely I do mean deathly boring). But the good news is that by staying at home the whole holiday and not spending money I managed to buy a new camera!!!!! and yes I am totally doing a happy dance right now! haha

I am so excited for this year as not only do I have a new camera, but I have also started the photojournalism part of my degree at university! I have actually spent a good portion of my afternoon outside working on a framing exercise for class on Monday.

Oh and I have decided to do a 'One photo a day' project. Basically it means that I will take at least one interesting photo a day and post it on my blog for your entertainment ( and my practice).

As soon as my internet at home is up and running again which should be later this week I will start the project - so watch this space!!! haha

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